Based in Bedford

Kratinos Socratous

It's Nice To Meet You

Thank you for taking the time to visit my webpage!

I am a travel counsellor living in Cyprus, and specialising in UK travellers wishing to spend their vacation time in Greece and Cyprus.
After spending my early school years growing-up in Nigeria, the United Kingdom, and graduating from the United States, I decided to pursue my career in the wonderful world of hotels. I have been privileged enough to have worked for some of the islands top luxury properties, giving me ample knowledge and experience with what one needs in order to enjoy a memorable holiday. I am also an aviation enthusiast, and follow the industry trends closely, which helps further with the service I am providing.

Operating my business with Travel Counsellors means that I have great support from an award-winning company and can give total commitment to your holiday and business travel planning. Also it is so important for you in today's world to have peace of mind in knowing that everything you book with me at Travel Counsellors has 100% financial protection.

I look forward to discussing your travel plans with you and please do feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have.

At your service!


Contact Me

Whatever your holiday needs I'm here to help you, so simply give me a call or send me an email with your contact details on and I can get things started for you:

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